
the art of walking alongside another, offering presence, insight & encouragement as they step into their own wisdom.

  • Individual Mentoring

    Individual mentoring offers a crucial space for navigating the challenging terrain of soul maturation, where the descent into darker places is a necessary part of growth. As a mentor, I walk beside you, offering guidance and assurance that, while I can’t take the journey for you, I can help you see the map and the path ahead.

    Sliding Scale: $75-$150

  • Group Mentoring

    Group mentoring provides a sacred space where individuals come together to explore and heal the deeper layers of collective experiences. Through shared presence and connection, participants support one another in uncovering and integrating the wisdom held within the group, fostering a sense of unity and shared growth.

    Sliding Scale: $40-$60

Guiding Young Men: The Rite of Passage

  • Young men in Western societies often struggle with a lack of clear direction and purpose, as highlighted in The Crisis of Boys. The absence of traditional rites of passage has left many without the guidance needed to transition from adolescence to adulthood. This program aims to address these challenges by offering a structured journey that fosters soul maturation, helping young men develop resilience, purpose, and a deep sense of responsibility to themselves and their communities.

  • This year-long program is designed specifically for young men, blending virtual group sessions with individual challenges and symbolic rituals that encourage growth. Unlike general mentoring, these sessions focus on transitioning from the hero’s journey to a life of service and purpose. The program culminates in a ten-day wilderness expedition on the West Coast, where participants put their learning into practice in a transformative, immersive experience.

  • Participants will engage in twice-monthly group sessions, supported by at-home physical challenges, community service, and personal rituals. They’ll also maintain a handmade journal tailored for young men, reflecting on their journey. The program’s pinnacle is an in-person wilderness experience in June, where young men will solidify their growth and step confidently into their emerging adult roles.

In the indigenous world, a mentor is not simply a guide but a midwife to the spiritual birth of the soul.

Malidoma Patrice Somé

(Of Water and the Spirit)