Eco Renaissance

The Andean Awakening

3/5 Week

Immersion in the High Andes

Our program envisions a world where young adults are deeply connected to their interior being and the natural world around them, fostering a soul-centric and ecocentric approach to mature, regenerative adulthood.

Through immersive experiences in the rich cultural and ecological tapestry of Pisac, Peru, we aim to catalyze an imaginative cultural renaissance rooted in personal authenticity, ecological stewardship, and social belongingness.  We strive to nurture a new generation of visionary creatives who are attuned to the rhythms of nature and the wisdom of traditional cultures, equipped with the tools for personal growth and societal transformation. This journey is not just an educational experience; it's a transformative path to rediscovering and maturing the human spirit in alignment with the Earth.

Our current cultural, ecological, and geopolitical crises can serve as pivotal moments for societal transformation. These crossroads reveal the limitations of current systems and ways of life, urging a collective introspection and a reimagining of societal values. Crisis is an invitation—an opportunity to catalyze a cultural renaissance. Join us in the rebirth.

Whats Included

  • Creative Expression

    One-on-one and small group apprenticeships with local artists in ceramics, weaving, dance, music, storytelling, painting, or more. We connect you within your field of interest.

  • Ecological Regeneration

    Engage in hands-on ecological work with themes like soil restoration, watershed protection, integrated medicine, and permaculture, led by local experts.

  • Pilgrimage and Vision Quest

    Embark on a guided Andean journey, uncovering vision through ancient rituals and nature's wisdom.

  • Accommodations and Meals

    Comfortable housing and healthy local meals throughout your stay, catering to dietary needs.

  • Adventure and Exploration

    Weekend field trips to Peru’s natural and historical sites, including Machu Picchu, Mount Ausangate, and the Sacred Valley.

  • Final Culminating Festival

    Showcase your learnings and creations in a festival for the local community, celebrating the program’s journey.

  • Comprehensive Support

    From pre-departure information to in-country guidance, you're fully supported every step of the way.

  • Leadership and Governance Training

    Participate in daily meetings using sociocracy principles, fostering leadership skills and collaborative decision-making.

  • Cultural and Ecological Workshops

    Enrich your understanding with lectures on Andean cosmology, mythology, and storytelling, under the stars or around a fire.

Program Overview

Location: Pisac, Peru

Winter Program: 3 weeks

Winter Immersion: Starts December 21st - January 11th

Target Audience: students aged 18-25; although all ages are welcomed :)

Focus: Through wilderness immersions, creative mentorship, and ecological stewardship projects, our program empowers students to transition into regenerative adulthood, becoming cultural visionaries ready to lead societies towards renewal and rebirth. This transformative journey equips them with the insights and skills necessary for fostering cultures of creativity, regeneration, and deep ecological connection.

  • Driving Cultural Renaissance: Our project promotes direct, creative engagement with local communities, nurturing mutual development and enriching understanding, thus laying the groundwork for a vibrant cultural renewal.

  • Inspiring Visionary Artistry and Ecological Harmony: Our aim is to blend artistic development with ecological consciousness, preparing participants to be leaders in crafting a future where creativity and environmental stewardship coexist seamlessly.

  • Awakening Earth's Dream: This journey invites participants to delve into the world's imagination through wilderness expeditions, pilgrimages, and vision quests, nurturing a profound connection with the Earth. It aims to awaken our innate faculties of imagination, tuning us into the Earth's dreaming, and fostering a deep sense of belonging and interconnectivity with the natural world.

  • Cultivating True Self and Community: This element aims to explore and solidify personal identity while weaving strong ties within both local and global communities, fostering a space where individual authenticity and a sense of belonging flourish together.

  • Regenerative Adulthood Development: Our projects guides participants towards a mature, sustainable approach to adulthood that aligns personal growth with ecological wellbeing.

  • Embracing Human Wholeness and Self-Healing: This facet weaves together practices for emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

  • Nurturing Visionary Artists: Supporting students to become artists tapped into vision and imagination who creatively express ecological and cultural learnings for societal transformation.

  • Embrace the role of an environmental steward under the guidance of indigenous wisdom keepers and seasoned scientists. Each week brings a new focus—soil restoration, watershed protection, integrated medicine, permaculture—offering hands-on experiences that cultivate a profound connection with the land. This journey through ecological stewardship is a testament to the power of collaborative conservation efforts.

  • Immerse yourself in the heart of Andean creativity through direct mentorship with Pisac’s renowned local artists. Whether your medium is ceramics, painting, textiles, or the vibrant steps of traditional dance, these custom apprenticeships are gateways to mastering new artistic techniques while deeply connecting with the cultural fabric of the region. We match you with a master artist in your field of interest. It’s an opportunity to not only refine your skills but to also weave your personal expressions into the rich tapestry of Andean arts.

  • As dusk falls, gather around the warmth of a bonfire for enriching lectures on Andean cosmology, land stewardship, mythology, and storytelling. These sessions are not just about learning; they are about experiencing the soul of the Andes, as stories and wisdom passed down through generations ignite your imagination and deepen your appreciation for this storied land.

  • Begin each day centered and connected through practices that nourish both body and spirit. Yoga, mindfulness meditation, sound healing, and community rituals offer a sanctuary of well-being amidst the bustling schedule of learning and exploration. These practices are your daily reminder of the importance of inner balance on this transformative journey.

  • Journey beyond the ordinary with excursions that lead you to the awe-inspiring sights of Mount Ausangate, the historical depths of Cusco, the welcoming arms of a Quechuan village, and the ancient wonder of Machu Picchu. These vision quests are more than trips; they are passages through time and landscape, revealing the wilderness, archaeological marvels, and cultural heritage of Peru.

  • Dive into the heart of communication through language exchange workshops in Quechua and Spanish. Each conversation is a bridge to deeper cultural immersion, enabling meaningful interactions with the local community. This linguistic journey enriches your experience, turning every exchange into a moment of connection.

  • Contribute to the vitality of Pisac through community service projects. Whether cleaning a river or supporting educational initiatives, these efforts are expressions of gratitude and respect for the community that hosts you. It's a chance to give back, fostering a cycle of care and stewardship for the environment and its people.

  • Shape the fabric of your experience through daily meetings grounded in sociocracy principles. These gatherings are not just about planning; they're about cultivating leadership and collaborative skills, empowering you to take an active role in the communal and individual journey of the program.

  • Carve out space for reflection and integration through journaling, dream journaling, and life-visioning sessions. Accompanied by integration circles, these practices offer a sanctuary for personal growth, allowing you to weave your experiences into the broader tapestry of your life’s journey.

  • Gain free access to SOLSeed’s co-working spaces and an array of workshops that span the ecological to the esoteric. From practical classes on sustainable living to explorations of deeper spiritual practices, these workshops are gateways to learning and community engagement. The inclusion of a grief ritual offers a profound space for collective healing and connection.

  • Celebrate the culmination of your journey with a festival that showcases the art and ecological projects birthed from your experiences. This day-long event is a vibrant expression of learning and creativity, inviting the local community to witness and partake in the fruits of your transformative journey.

  • Capture the essence of your experience by contributing to a collective video blog or journal. This digital archive is a testament to your journey, offering insights, reflections, and moments of beauty for a wider audience to appreciate and learn from.

  • The journey doesn’t end upon departure; integration calls and follow-up projects ensure the continuity of your growth and connections. This sustained engagement reinforces the web of learning and community, supporting your integration of the program’s insights into your life beyond Peru.

Learn More


Total Cost

Sample Schedule & Day’s Activities

Meet the Team

  • Zachary Seagle

    P R O G R A M D I R E CT O R

    Former School Leader and Teacher now a dedicated student of Amazonian traditions at Mayantuyacu, Peru

  • Brady Williams

    P R O G R A M D I R E C T O R

    Co-founder of Psychic Garden Centre, a hub for creative artist residencies in Peru.

  • Zach Kahn


    founder of Naupa Odysseys, over a decade of experience in leading immersive spiritual journeys throughout Peru.

Next Steps


Set up a call
with our team

Set up a free Discovery Call to have a 1:1 meeting with on of the facilitators to answer any questions you may have.


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Live Info Session

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on WhatsApp

Call or text our team at:
+1 (609) 670-3355

Trip Risk Management

Our approach to risk management is grounded in five core principles, ensuring a safe and secure experience for all participants:

We also strongly recommend that participants purchase travel insurance for peace of mind. A cost-effective option to consider is available here.