well HEY,

My mission is to rekindle your connection with nature, cultivate curiosity, and ignite imagination through wilderness Immersion, Ritual, and soul maturation.

The essence of a person’s true nature, representing their unique purpose and connection to the greater web of life. It is the deepest part of the self.

An Ecological term, not a religious one


At Agora, I offer deep personal guidance through nature-based embodiment rituals & the ancient practice of mentorship. My programs guide young people in cultivating a meaningful and authentic life, deeply connected to the natural world and cultures of renewal.

Rewilding the Human Spirit:

A Pilgrimage to Soul Maturation

Much like the Athenian Agora of Classical Greece, a bustling hub of philosophical, spiritual, and civic exchange, Agora Academy Inspires vibrant spaces and experiences where students of life challenge ideas, cultivate wisdom, and build capacities for a life of imaginative creativity. Yet, in our current world of economic, political, and environmental crises, we face a profound leadership void. Our culture, steeped in arrested development, has lost the art of initiation, leaving us with few true elders and mature, regenerative adults. At Agora, we guide you on a pilgrimage to soul maturation, rewilding the human spirit and reclaiming our deep connection to the Earth.

My work centers on deepening the dialogue between the soul (our deep self), our existence in the world, the mysteries of psyche and nature, and the divine source.

Led by me, Zachary Seagle, a visionary educator with over 10 years of experience, Agora Academy guides students of life through the process of contextualizing new worldviews, unearthing hidden potential, and fostering eco-centric adulthood. Here, we explore a deep interconnectedness with our world, encouraging soul maturation and a profound, earth-centered understanding of our place in it.

Join in the movement to rewild the human spirit and embarking on a pilgrimage to soul maturation.

I offer…

  • 3 or 5 Week Immersions – In-person group deep expeditions to the Sacred Valley of Pisac, Peru, centered on building cultures of renewal.

  • Pilgrimages - In-Person, 5-12 day wilderness rite of passage; locations vary, worldwide

  • 1:1 Mentoring – personalized guidance for those seeking to embrace their soul’s calling through nature-based practices.

  • Rites of Passage Mentoring for Young Men.

  • 1:1 Educator Coaching for teachers and school leaders, fostering conscience communities of educators.

  • Micro/HomeSchooling for the Soul – A 10-month, soul-centered curriculum tailored to nurture wholeness, personal growth, and deep connection with nature.

  • Rewilding Workshops - occasional classes, courses, or circle meeting

  • "The unexamined life is not worth living."

    – S O C R A T E S –

  • "You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you."

    – B R I A N T R A C Y –

  • "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

    – T H O M A S A . E D I S O N –

  • "The only journey is the one within."

    – R A I N E R M A R I A R I L K E –

  • "It always seems impossible until it's done."

    – N E L S O N M A N D E L A  –

  • "The best way out is always through."

    – R O B E R T F R O S T –

  • "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

    – C O N F U S C I U S –

Work with Zach

  • Soul-Centered Mentorship

    Personalized mentoring that fosters deep soul exploration, connecting individuals with their true essence and nature to cultivate a life of purpose and meaning.

  • Wild Wisdom Curriculum

    Curriculum that weave together nature-based practices, soul-centric developmental tasks, ecological literacy, and creative expression, ideal for home/micro schools.

  • Wilderness Pilgrimages & Immersions

    In-person expeditions and rites of passage, guiding participants through life transitions, fostering a vision of a new chapter of your life.

Past Reflections

Reconnecting with your Wild Essence


Soulful Exploration

Ignite a deep curiosity and connection with your true self through nature-based practices and soul-centered inquiry.


Guided Deepening

Engage in personalized mentorship that honors your individual path, guiding you through the intricate layers of self and nature, fostering profound personal growth.


Integrated Learning

Embark on an integrated journey where learning is woven with heart, mind, and earth, cultivating a deep and embodied understanding of your place in the world.

Deepening Insight Through Soulful Inquiry

Wild Wisdom Curriculum

Dive into a 10-month, personalized curriculum that weaves together ecological literacy, creative expression, and deep nature connection. Engage in reflective dialogues and hands-on experiences designed to nurture your intellectual and spiritual growth. This curriculum invites you to explore your unique path within the web of life, offering a profound alternative to conventional education. Ideal for homeschoolers or those seeking a transformative learning journey.

Immersions, Pilgrimages, and Rites of Passage

In these sacred journeys, we are called to the edges of our known selves, where the wild Earth and our untamed souls meet. Through Wilderness Immersions, Pilgrimages, and Rites of Passage, we enter the ancient rhythms of nature, embracing the necessary descent into the depths. Here, in the raw embrace of the wild, we uncover the forgotten language of our souls, marking our path with meaning, transformation, and profound connection to the Earth’s wisdom.

Stepping into the Wild Within


Duration & Commitment:

Our programs range from 3-day pilgrimages to 5-week immersions, each tailored to guide you through transformative experiences in the wild.


Sacred Landscapes:

We travel to places of deep spiritual significance, where the land itself supports your journey of self-discovery and soul maturation. From North to South America.


Ritual & Renewal:

Ideal for those marking a significant life transition, rites of passage offer sacred rituals that help you cross thresholds with clarity and purpose.


Customizable Journeys:

Whether seeking personal growth or marking a life transition, we makes something special for each rite of passage.


Small Group Size.

Each journey is limited to a small number of participants to maintain an intimate. dedicated time for solitude and reflection, fostering both connection and introspection.


rekindle your connection with nature

cultivate curiosity

ignite imagination

– ZAch Seagle –